Works Like Magic

The More Gratitude You Have The More You Have to Be Grateful For


Have you ever wondered how a person who is born with nothing, in total poverty, can go on to become a president, celebrity, or wealthiest person in the world? The missing link to success is GRATITUDE.


According to the Law of Attraction you must be grateful for the success you have to attract more of it to you. If you are a business owner, the value of your business will increase or decrease according to your gratitude. If you love your job, be excited to go to work. If it’s not your dream job, find things to be grateful for so you can receive your dream job.


Gratitude Exercise


Imagine that you have an invisible manager whose job it is to keep track of your feelings about your job. This manager will follow you wherever you go – whether you run a business, work for somebody else, or just run your own home – and keep notes of your thoughts and feelings.


Every time you find something about your job to be grateful for, your manager will take note of it. Your job is to find as many things to be grateful for as you move through the day so your manager has a long list of all your gratitude.


Focus your thoughts on ALL the things you have to be grateful for around your work. Lucky breaks don’t happen by accident. They are simply gratitude’s magical power at work!


LOVE this? Check out our entire Gratitude Library here.