Be Where Your Feet Are by Scott M. O’Neil

To start Janurary off, we’re reading an inspiring cronicle of grief, healing, and valuable lessons on what Keeps CEO Scott M. O’Neil grounded, connected, and thriving.

Through his collection of anecdotes, readers are guided to self-discovery and learning. In the beginning of the novel, Scott makes a comment that gives readers a frame by which to view the rest of the book. He says that he “could never find work life balance”, which is something that we’ve all struggled with at some point. But, he writes that on of his coaches responded with “how fun is a seasaw to ride if it’s perfectly balanced?”. This moment is a beautiful reminder that life, at it’s core, is going to be a little topsy-turvey. The best way to get through, though, is to give 100% to wherever you are, without the guilt of letting other things go. If you’re at work, be 100% at work; if you’re at home, be 100% at home; and if you’re on vacation, be 100% on vacation!

In 2022, we are focusing in on how achieving our THRIVE; and in the words of this months author, we should be spending our time:

“Making the most of each moment and ridding ourselves of the toxic habit of constantly looking forward to the next thing. Be where your feet are.”― Scott M. O’Neil, Be Where Your Feet Are

Watch Jennifer Dawn’s full review on our Goal Acheivers Facebook Page: