Magic Dust Everyone

Give To Receive


Ancient teachings say when we give to another person with a full heart it returns to us a hundredfold. Being grateful and saying THANK YOU to another person for anything you receive will actually improve your life.


Gratitude is extremely powerful energy and we come into contact with so many people on an every day basis. Sending gratitude (even to strangers) puts you in the flow of positive energy. Being grateful for those around you, especially those who are of service to you (like a grocery story associate, a dentist, a receptionist, etc) will help you see just how blessed your life is.


Gratitude Exercise


Today we are going to treat the powerful energy of gratitude like MAGIC DUST. As you move through the day, you’ll “sprinkle” it on everybody you come into contact with.


Think of all the people you typically encounter in a day…service workers such as drivers, deliverymen, mailmen, waitresses, cleaner, the staff at work…if you are traveling today think of ALL the people who have contributed to your traveling safely and easily…the clients, vendors, and employees who you work with.


Today your goal is to say THANK YOU and sprinkle at least 10 people with magic dust. Have fun with it!!


LOVE this? Check out our entire Gratitude Library here.