Have A Magical Day

Be Grateful Before It Happens


To see and experience the most magical day of your life, you can be grateful for the whole day BEFORE it happens. To have a truly magical day, simply think through your plans for the day and say THANK YOU for each one going well, before you’ve lived it. Being grateful for your day beforehand creates a magical day through the Law of Attraction.


Remember, you do have the power to affect your circumstances. When you use gratitude ahead of time to Have a Magical Day, it can will help you deal with unexpected problems or difficulties easier or it will help you avoid them all in all.


Gratitude Exercise


Open your planner to tomorrow, look at your plans and say a big THANK YOU for each one going well. With each plan or event, say the magi words


Thank you, thank you, thank you


…for them going well. Imagine saying thank you at the end of the day and feel immensely grateful because everything went exactly how you wanted it to go.


Have fun with it and share how it worked for you below!


LOVE this? Check out our entire Gratitude Library here.