The Magic Ingredient

Be Grateful for the Simple Things in Life


Giving thanks for food before you eat is a tradition that has been followed for thousands of years. Using the simple act of eating and drinking is a wonderful opportunity to magnify the power of gratitude in your life.


Think about all the people who contribute to you having food to eat every day. There are the farmers, pickers, packers, distributors, transportation drivers, grocery stores, cashiers and more. All of these people work together in perfect harmony to bring you an abundance of food year round.


Gratitude Exercise


Today, before you eat or drink anything, take a moment to look at your food and in your mind or out loud say


Thank you, thank you, thank you.


When you take that first bite be sure to savor it for a moment and really feel grateful in your heart. Do this throughout the day. Being grateful for the simple things in life like food and water, is one the deepest expressions of gratitude.


LOVE this? Check out our entire Gratitude Library here.