Key Performance Indicators (KPI)


Numbers tell a story, especially when it comes to you business. It is way too common for many business owners to not have clear understanding of how their organization is performing, especially when there are multiple departments or roles. The biggest failure is not because business owners do not care, but primarily because time is not spent in creating key performance indicators (KPIs) for this business. This can often lead to big question marks that arise when the business is struggling or not growing.


Establishing KPIs allows business owners to get an overview of their entire business and possibly drilling down into key departments if needed. This helps in guiding top leaders in making informed decisions of what actions need to continue or change to keep the business growing.


In this course, you will gain an understanding of the importance of key performance indicators or KPIs so you can establish what a healthy model looks like for your business informing you of successes and challenges that might be ahead.


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