Living in Alignment with Your Values


To live a life where you are truly authentic to who you really are, now that is a life well lived. But many of us are living a life that is a dictated by societal expectations, peer pressure, family, etc. So many people live in the rat race where they are chasing goals and dreams that were not actually set by themselves.


But to step outside of these norms, that requires you to slow down and to spend time with yourself to determine what is important to you. In this training I discuss how you can step into conscious competence, which is where you are wide awake to your life and you live your life intentionally. With that awareness you are then able to choose if your actions, behaviors and choices reflect your true values. I also break down how to determine what your values are, the 12 areas of your life and we will perform an honest assessment of each area.


This will help identify areas of improvement (no judgement whatsoever) and that clarity will surely help identifying what needs to change in order to get you aligned back with your values. This training helps you take a bird’s eye view of your entire life, which can be overwhelming, but remember, take small steps to set yourself up for success.

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