Course Overview:
Let us take you by the hand and map out a strategy to meet your goals so you never need to stress again. Because achieving your goals should NOT have to be so hard!
In this powerful (and fun) 3-part online class, Productivity Boot Camp we take you step-by-step through creating a powerful vision of your life, mapping out specific and measurable goals, and then creating a daily action plan to achieve them.
If you’ve never thought about a vision for your life, that’s OK! This course will guide you through a powerful exercise to help you clarify exactly what you want your life to be. If you already have a vision – bring it – now is the perfect time to reflect and update.
Next, we’ll take your vision and I’ll show you how to create an effective goal strategy that will have you living your dreams in no time. If you’ve never been successful at setting attainable, reachable goals, then buckle up because that changes now. Finally, learn how to set each day up for success and bridge the gap between busy to effective. I’ll show you how to organize tasks so you can work with purpose and focus each day and go to bed each night feeling ACCOMPLISHED and SATISFIED.