Living From The Higher Emotions


Emotions can be extremely powerful. They directly impact how we feel, they influence our thoughts, and this translates into our actions and behaviors. When we operate with negative emotions it can feel like we are wearing dark glasses, and we simply can’t see the light. We aren’t as productive, we don’t make the best choices, and joy, happiness or simply feeling good seems so far out of reach.

But it is through acceptance, through choice, and through understanding that like attracts like (a.k.a the Law of Attraction) that we are able to climb up the emotional scale from a low emotional state into a higher one (more on this in the training!).

Life is filled with ebbs and flows that challenge us emotionally, but ultimately we have the power to use our emotions to push us forward rather than hold us back. We always have that choice and we can certainly start living from the higher emotions right now.


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